News Flash

September 22, 2022

Link changes in progress


Why the change

For added consistency and to optimize security, we are in the process of modifying links in our applications.

What’s affected

Admin links that began with or will ultimately begin with


This transition is being rolled out in phases that enable us to automatically re-direct old links used by bookers and payers to the correct new address.

Currently, all links that began with have now been changed to begin with

By year-end, those will be transitioned to begin with

Action required

Because re-directs will take care of bookers and payers, you only need to ensure that personal browser bookmarks or any links you may have included in internal documents are updated.

These changes only affect admin site users. Links your customers use are not impacted.

For online booking engine customers, changes may also be required to analytics configurations.

Log a ticket

or email
for assistance with admin links or booking engine analytics